Eelam genocide
Eelam genocide

Similar to the mythical bird Phoenix, we want to create something new from the ashes of Eelam's scorched earth. On this path of mourning, we young Tamils have found ourselves and decided that we have to counter this sinister development in our parents' home country. Eelam has no oil and no strategic importance for the imperial powers. The Eelam Tamils are apparently only pawns on the chessboard of the global struggle for power and money. The international community has so far watched this gruesome goings-on speechlessly and inactively. On the contrary, repressive measures of all kinds and expropriations of land show that the genocide against the Eelam Tamils continues. Even five years after the official end of the war, the Sri Lankan government is not taking any steps towards reconciliation.

eelam genocide

A structural genocide manifests itself in countless small pinpricks, with which the Tamil culture is to be systematically destroyed. The old Tamil place names are replaced by Sinhalese inscriptions. Countless old Hindu temples, mosques and christian churches have been destroyed and Buddhist pagodas are being built in their place. The Sri Lankan state expropriates more and more Tamil farmers and fishermen in the Tamil settlement area (Eelam) and uses their land for other purposes or for the settlement of Sinhalese families. Genocide does not only mean the physical extinction of a population group, but also the destruction of its livelihoods and culture.

eelam genocide

For several years, a genocide of the Tamil minority has been underway in Sri Lanka, to which more than 40,000 Tamil civilians have fallen victim in the last five years alone. Nevertheless, we are interested in the culture of our parents and play a major role in the fate of the Eelam Tamils. raised or even born outside of Sri Lanka. Most of us are secondos or secondas, i.e.

Eelam genocide